Centre for Development Studies
Centre for Development Studies invites applications for the post Assistant Professor, preferably in the following areas of specialization: Macroeconomics and Public Economics.
- Assistant Professor – Pay Rs.15600-39100 (PB III) with AGP Rs. 6000, plus admissible benefits and allowances as per the rules of CDS.
How To Apply: Applications must be sent to the Director, CDS by email facultyrecruitment2015@cds.edu on or before 15/02/2015, attaching soft copies of (1) a detailed curriculum vitae indicating the date of birth and including names and email addresses of two academic referees and (2) a written statement on how the applicant’s teaching and research interests correspond to the requirements of CD as indicated above. Candidates who applied in 2014 need not apply again.
Logon to : http://www.cds.edu/jobs/staff/ for more detailed information.