Requirement in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jan 2020

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Invites online applications in the prescribed format from suitable Indian Nationals for appointment to the following NonTeaching (Administrative and Technical) posts on direct recruitment basis (Advertisement no.  IITBhilai/Rectt./NF/2020/01) :

    Administrative Vacancies

  1.         Deputy Registrar: 01 vacancy
  2.         Assistant Registrar: 01 vacancy
  3.         Superintendent: 01 vacancy
  4.         Junior Superintendent: 03 vacancies
  5.         Assistant: 25 vacancies
  6.         Junior Assistant: 02 vacancies

    Technical Vacancies

  1.         Assistant Executive Engineer: 02 vacancies
  2.         Senior Computer Engineer: 01 vacancy
  3.         Superintendent (Technical): 01 vacancy
  4.         Junior Superintendent (Technical): 03 vacancies
  5.         Assistant (Technical): 04 vacancies
  6.         Staff Nurse: 02 vacancies

How to Apply: Apply Online in the prescribed format on the IIT Bhilai website from 10/01/2020 to 07/02/2020 only for IIT Bhilai Administrative and Technical Vacancy Recruitment 2020.

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