NHM Haryana
Invites applications for recruitment to the post of Public Health Manager on temporary basis for a period of 90 days for activities for the purpose of contain and prevention of COVID-19.
- Public Health Manager – 03 Posts, Pay: ₹ 80,000/- per month, Age Limit: As per Haryana Government Norms.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format available at NHM Haryana official website.
Walk in Interview Details:
- Date 9th April 2020 to 13th April 2020
- Time 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
- Venue O/o Mission Director, National Health Mission, Sector-2, Panchkula.
Logon to: http://www.nhmharyana.gov.in/Writereaddata/userfiles/file/pdfs/AdvtStateHQ07042020.pdf for more detailed information.
Application form @ http://www.nhmharyana.gov.in/Writereaddata/userfiles/file/pdfs/AdvtStateHQ07042020.pdf