Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) IBPS House, Post Box No.8587, Kandivali (East), Mumbai – 400101 Published IBPS conducts[...]
Faculty jobs in IGMCRI PuducherryFaculty jobs in IGMCRI Puducherry
Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (IGMCRI) (A Government of Puducherry Institution) Vazhudavur Road, Kathirkamam, Puducherry – 9,[...]
Vacancy for Professors in NIFTEMVacancy for Professors in NIFTEM
National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) (Ministry of Food Processing Industries) 3rd Floor, AMDA Building, 7/6[...]
Last date Extended in Delhi Technological University Faculty jobsLast date Extended in Delhi Technological University Faculty jobs
Government of NCT of Delh Delhi Technological University (DTU) (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) Shahbad Daultapur, Bawana Road,[...]
ITBP Head-Constable Dresser Veterinaty vacancyITBP Head-Constable Dresser Veterinaty vacancy
INDO-TIBETAN BORDER POLICE FORCE (ITBP) Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India) Advertisement for recruitment of Head Constable[...]
VSSC Technical-Assistant and Catering-Supervisor vacancyVSSC Technical-Assistant and Catering-Supervisor vacancy
Government of India Depaertment of Space Indian Space Research Organiation (ISRO) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) – Thiruvananthapuram [...]
IFFCO Graduate Engineer Trainee JobsIFFCO Graduate Engineer Trainee Jobs
INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE (IFFCO) LIMITED IFFCO Sadan, C-1, Distt.Centre, Saket Place, New Delhi-110017 Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees[...]
Haryana Superior Judicial Service vacnacy by High Court of Punjab and HaryanaHaryana Superior Judicial Service vacnacy by High Court of Punjab and Haryana
HIGH COURT of PUNJAB AND HARYANA at CHANDIGARH Examination for of Superior Judicial Service in Haryana Applications are invited for[...]
Punjab Superior Judicial Service vacancy by High Court of Punjab and HaryanaPunjab Superior Judicial Service vacancy by High Court of Punjab and Haryana
HIGH COURT of PUNJAB AND HARYANA at CHANDIGARH Examination for Punjab Superior Judicial Service in Punjab Applications are invited for[...]
IOCL Western Region Pipelines JobsIOCL Western Region Pipelines Jobs
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) (Refinery Division) Western Region Pipelines, Morbi Road, Gauridad, District Rajkot – 360003 (Gujarat) Applications[...]
Manipur University Faculty vacancyManipur University Faculty vacancy
Manipur University Canchipur, Imphal-795003 Manipur Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts : Professor : 26[...]
Non-Teaching posts in Kurukshetra UniversityNon-Teaching posts in Kurukshetra University
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra, Haryana Applications on prescribed format invited for the following Non-Teaching posts in Kurukshetra University, Haryana : [...]
Special Recruitment Drive in CDAC for various jobsSpecial Recruitment Drive in CDAC for various jobs
Center for Development of Advance Computing (CDAC) C-DAC invites applications for various S&T and Non S&T posts under Special[...]
Haryana Police Constable Computer-Operator jobsHaryana Police Constable Computer-Operator jobs
Haryana Police Haryana Police invites applications for the posts of Constable Male (Computer Operator) Constable Male (Computer Operator) :[...]
IFFCO Graduate Engineer Trainee JobsIFFCO Graduate Engineer Trainee Jobs
INDIAN FARMERS FERTILISER COOPERATIVE (IFFCO) LIMITED IFFCO Sadan, C-1, Distt.Centre, Saket Place, New Delhi-110017 Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees[...]
Vacancy for Professors in NIFTEMVacancy for Professors in NIFTEM
National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) (Ministry of Food Processing Industries) 3rd Floor, AMDA Building, 7/6[...]
Last date Extended in Delhi Technological University Faculty jobsLast date Extended in Delhi Technological University Faculty jobs
Government of NCT of Delh Delhi Technological University (DTU) (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) Shahbad Daultapur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042[...]
Jobs in Uttar Bihar Gramin BankJobs in Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank
Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank (UBGB) (Sponsored by Central Bank of India Kalambagh Chowk, Muzaffarpur-842001 Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank invites[...]
Syndicate Bank PO VacancySyndicate Bank PO Vacancy
Syndicate Bank (A Government of India Undertaking) Head Office : Manipal-576104, Karnataka Recruitment of Probationary Officers (PO) 2011-12 (for those[...]
Cochin Port Marine Engineer and Pilot vacancyCochin Port Marine Engineer and Pilot vacancy
Cochin Port Trust Cochin – 682009, Kerala, India Applications are invited from qualified candidates for appointment to the following Regular[...]